New initiatives in focus ‘Kohine Toa/ Building strong young women’


Young people that leave school without qualifications in order to get a minimum wage job will likely experience universally lower future income potential and employment prospects than their peers who leave with NCEA level 1 or above.

In the Auckland region, approximately 7% of school leavers graduate with less than their NCEA level 1; however, in South Auckland, the figure is 17.6%. After an extended lockdown in 2021, the NCEA achievement rates for higher decile schools remained static or improved; however, in Papakura, achievement rates declined significantly.

The kōhine Maori insights report, commissioned by Te Puni Kōkiri in 2022, provided a very clear rationale as to why young Maori are leaving school, why NCEA rates are declining and how Covid-19 has presented many young women with no choice but to stay home and look after their siblings or to take low-income employment to put food on the table.

Introducing the Kōhine Toa Service

Kootuitui ki Papakura has partnered with the Ministry of Social Development, Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Women and the Ministry of Education to design a bespoke service that will provide intensive & individualised support, coaching and mentoring to enable young Maori women who have disengaged from education to mitigate barriers to their success and to enter vocational/ educational options of their choice.

Service Objectives

Participants will work intensively with specialist staff who can access a suite of support options. In addition, staff will have access to funding that enables them to mitigate financial barriers to success.

Kōhine will be supported to identify their dreams and aspirations, the skills and knowledge they need to realise their potential and map the pathway to achievement.

Kōhine will be supported to build their confidence, smash down barriers, aspire for more, and self-determine their future.

Service Pathway/ Phases

Service Outcomes

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