Improving The Lifelong Outcomes Of Tamariki
How it Works
In an increasingly digital world, all children must have the support and resources they need to succeed. Through our partner initiative with Manaiakalani Education Trust, we work to ensure that all students have access to the tools necessary for digitally enabled education.
By providing students with chromebooks, one device per child, plus internet connections and supporting teachers, we can give them every opportunity to engage with their studies and expand their knowledge base.
Kootuitui ki Papakura -Making a Difference
The Situation
School Leavers
The Ministry of Education reported a 3.2% decline in school leavers during 2020/21. This data is far starker when viewed at a local level.
Papakura saw a decline of 13.7% of school leavers, essentially a considerable proportion of young people who did not complete their schooling.
Young people that leave school without qualifications and transition into minimum wage employment experience almost universally lower future earnings and employment prospects than those who achieve a minimum qualification of NCEA level 1.

In the Auckland region, approximately 7% of school leavers graduate with less than their NCEA level 1, however, in South Auckland the figure is 17.6%.
After an extended lockdown in 2021, the NCEA achievement rates for higher decile schools remained static or improved however in Papakura achievement rates declined significantly.
Young people in Papakura have been disproportionately impacted by the economic consequences of Covid-19 on their community.
NCEA Achievements
- In the Auckland region, approximately 7% of school leavers graduate with less than their NCEA level 1; however, in South Auckland, the figure is 17.6%.
- After an extended lockdown in 2021, the NCEA achievement rates for higher decile schools remained static or improved; however, in Papakura, achievement rates declined significantly.
The Program
A partner initiative with Manaiakalani partnership Education Trust to provide digitally enabled education to our cluster schools.
One device per student, access to internet connections, ensuring tamariki can engage in learning through a digital platform.
Professional development for teachers to build on their capacity to transform learning environments.

Our Goals
- Motivate our learners to engage with the curriculum
- Provide a model for future-focused teaching and learning
- Work with learners with an evidence-based belief that their voice is valuable and powerful
- Raise achievement outcomes
- Over 3400 Chromebooks have been purchased by Kootuitui ki Papakura and distributed within our local schools.
- Pre-covid Papakura High School achieved a 37% increase in students receiving their NCEA 2, with all NCEA results improved across the board.
- Our cluster primary school children’s numeracy and literacy outcomes are better than their peers in other deciles 1 & 2 schools.
Next Steps
- To identify service and support initiatives and options for young people who have disengaged from education due to the impact of COVID-19 on families within the Papakura Community.
- Teaching and learning are the umbrella mechanism to activate and sustain the pedagogy, which is essential for learning, whaanau engagement and device readiness.
- The “Learn, Create, Share” pedagogy puts young people at the centre of their learning. There is an expectation that participants will constantly reflect on how well they are doing in relation to the Learn Create Share pedagogy. This pedagogy drives toward visible and ubiquitous learning, strong learner agency and connectedness to grow knowledge.

Our Supporters
We benefit from the support of funders, partners and community organisations, and the commitment of the schools’ boards, leaders, teachers and staff.