We know tamariki from all ethnic groups live in households with relatively low income and material hardship.
Statistics NZ identified Māori and Pasifika tamariki in the year ending June 2020 were higher across all measures than New Zealand overall.
Almost 1 in 5 Māori tamariki (19.5 %) lived in households that reported going without six or more of the 17 basic needs. The rate was higher for Pasifika tamariki at 26.1%.
Papakura is culturally rich and diverse; however, many areas within our town are profiled as deciles 9 & 10 (New Zealand Index of Multiple Deprivation).
Poverty remains the primary reason tamariki are not thriving in our schools and reflects the core purpose & vision of Kootuitui ki Papakura: to improve the lifelong outcomes of our tamariki.