Enabling Our Children To Thrive And Live Their Best Lives
Our Schools
Sustain - Measure - Diversify - Grow
Helping young people growing up in Papakura and supporting them to break through the barriers of inequity to reach their full potential.
Edmund Hillary School
Edmund Hillary School is a Full Primary School located in Papakura with Year 1 to 8 students. The School staff are committed and passionate and work very hard to provide the best possible learning outcomes. The school is part of the Kootuitui ki Papakura Digital learning programme where senior students use chromebooks and follow a Learn, Create, Share model of learning.
Kereru Park Campus
Nestled among native trees with swooping Kererū and Tui, KPC provides modern, innovative learning environments for approximately 220 tamariki in Years 1-8.
Mangapikopiko School
Mangapikopikos philosophy is underpinned by values of Manaaki (Kindness), Pono (Integrity) and Whanaungatanga (Belonging) and guided by our strategic aims of being creative, being collaborative and being connected. The indoor and outdoor learning spaces are designed to be flexible, foster learning and collaboration amoungst akonga.
Papakura High School
The culture at Papakura High is one of support and challenge, with the philosophy for lifelong learning. Each young person who walks through the gate will be supported to be their best self and to challenge themselves in a positive learning environment.
Papakura Central School
Papakura Central School is well-established and takes pride in maintaining a clean and tidy learning environment by providing many learning opportunities in and around the school. Along with their values of - We are Respectful (Manaakitanga), We are Responsible (Kaitiaki), We are Connected (Tetahi ki tetahi), We are Learners (Ako).
Te Kura Ākonga O Manurewa
He tauira, he tauira, he tauira nā ngā tūpuna he tauira nā ngā tawhito, he tauira e tū nei, he tauira mai tawhiti, he tauira mai tata, He Pou, He pou, He pu hiihiri He pou wanawana,He pou tokomanawa, He Mauri, He Mana, He Wehi, He Tapu, He Tauira Na Tāne, Na Tangāroa, Na Rongo, Na Tāwhiri Ki te aata tauira.
Our Supporters
We benefit from the support of funders, partners and community organisations, and the commitment of the schools’ boards, leaders, teachers and staff.
