Helping our whaanau stay warm & healthy.
The World Health Organization Healthy Housing Guideline recommends a minimum indoor temperature of 18°C, and ideally 21°C if babies or older adults live in the house.
The average daily indoor temperature in the winter for most New Zealand houses is just 16°C. If house temperatures fall below 16°C, the risk of respiratory illness increases. This is because cold houses are also usually damp, leading to respiratory symptoms.
Living in a cold environment is also physiologically stressful for people who are elderly, sick or very young, and there is growing evidence of the mental health impacts of living in cold and damp housing.
Project Background
Growing our community impact
Our country does not do well when it comes to child health. The well-being of New Zealand’s children places us 34th out of 41 developed countries – (June 2017). Papakura East is in the highest 1% of Census Areas for childhood hospitalizations potentially attributable to housing.
Due to this Kootuitui wishes to focus on providing services that promote sustainable intervention, that serves to future proof our community, by providing services such as our Warm Dry Homes initiative…. as we believe every family deserves to live in a warm, dry, healthy home, and that children should be protected from contracting preventable diseases caused by cold, damp, mouldy and inadequate housing.
Our Service
Kootuitui ki Papakura has redeveloped and scaled up our Warm Dry Homes model, and we are ready to start insulating houses and educating our community on how to be warm and healthy throughout the winter months.
Our Impact

Expected Outcomes